When you hear the words “Spring Clean”, you probably envision brooms, mops, and storage boxes. While it’s always a good idea to tidy up and organize your home, refreshing your fitness routine is also a major “do”! To inspire you to get into tip-top shape this season, Inspirations & Celebrations‘ Fitness Contributor, Jacqueline Hinton (a Los Angeles based Pilates instructor and the CEO of the Pilates lifestyle brand Good Citizen) shares 10 simple steps to Spring clean your fitness routine.
- Get Organized
Make your time a priority and schedule in some “me” time. That means, make the iPhone calendar your friend. Or if you like to use an old school planner, schedule in your workouts, massages, facials, stretching, etc, every Sunday, so you’re ready for the week. This will keep you on track, less stressed, and extra happy.
- Book A Physical
When is that last time you had a physical? If you can’t remember, it’s time to call the doc and make it happen. Going to the doctor can be a hassle—and even make you anxious—but that feeling of a clean bill of health is a nice fresh start. It will get you headed in the right direction of being healthy, happy, and less worried about what could be going on in your body.
- See Your Dermatologist
Summer is right around the corner and spring is the perfect time to get your largest organ checked out. Plus, if you have anything going on with your skin, you can take care of it now before bathing suit season is here. While you’re in there, ask the doctor if there are any new suggestions for keeping your skin glowing.
- New Workout Gear
You know that smell your workout clothes get after tons of classes of hot yoga, soul cycle, and Pilates? Well, if you can smell it, so can the people around you. Take an assessment of your workout clothes, sports bras, gym bag, yoga mat, and Pilates loops to see what might need replacing or a good wash. It always feels good to have a new pair of running shoes or a clean yoga mat to rev up that workout so you can get it sweaty all over again.
- Clean Out Your Kitchen
I don’t know about you, but one of the best feelings in the world is cleaning out the pantry and refrigerator in your kitchen and stocking it with healthy foods. It gives you a sense of accomplishment, and you really didn’t even do much but have a grocery store shopping spree. Who doesn’t like shopping?! Make sure and clean out the pantry and fridge before you head to the grocery store so you can assess what you actually do and don’t need. Once home from the grocery, this is a great time to meal prep, wash fruits and veggies, and get an idea of what your meal plan for the week might be.
- Update Your Workout Playlist
Have you ever arrived at the gym and realized you don’t have your headphones with you? Well, it’s the absolute worst. Music drives my workouts and helps me push through, especially when working out alone. Take a few minutes to update your playlist. It doesn’t have to be a completely new playlist, but add a few new songs to change it up. It’s instant motivation.
- Stretch
Stretching seems to be one of the things we forget the most when it comes to our fitness routine. It is also one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. Remember, you always want to hold a stretch for at least 30 seconds to a couple of minutes. And if you can’t think of stretches to do, you can always find stretches right here on Inspirations & Celebrations. Or, you can just Google a few. Typical tight areas tend to be our chest, hips, hamstrings, quads, and inner thighs. Maintaining a good stretching schedule combats lower back pain, bad posture, and of course, tight muscles.
- Upgrade Your Water
Water can get pretty boring to take down sometimes, but the weather is heating up and water consumption is your best friend. You can upgrade your water, and add flavor, by adding fresh fruit, such as lemon, lime, cucumbers, strawberries, blueberries and even watermelon. And to make it even more refreshing, add a little basil or mint. You’ll almost feel like your drinking a cocktail. Almost!
- Lift Weights
Lifting weights should be the new addition to your spring workout. It builds more lean muscle and keeps your body humming all day long. I know, I know, you think you’re going to bulk up. I promise that’s not the case. Have you seen actress Alicia Vikander, who is playing the new lead role in Tomb Raider? Well, she prepped for the movie by lifting weights, and let me tell you, she is not bulky—at all. So get those weights out ladies and start lifting.
- Think Positively
We are each a unique snowflake. There is no one else like you. Even if you are an identical twin, you have your very own personality, likes, dislikes, strengthens and weaknesses. Take a minute and write down your strengths. Remember these and use them push you to a new level. But, don’t forget about your weaknesses. They can help you grow into a stronger person, and they could eventually become some of your strengths. Find one weakness and work on finding something positive about that weakness. Find a reason to love that weakness. Sooner or later, it might become your favorite thing about you.
For more workout ideas and tips, visit the Fitness section on Inspirations & Celebrations.
Fitness Contributor: Jacqueline Hinton
Jacqueline Hinton is a Los Angeles based Pilates instructor, the CEO of the Pilates lifestyle brand Good Citizen, and a professional dancer with a BFA in Dance from The University of Texas at Austin. Jackie has over a decade in the Pilates industry and has forever changed the world of Pilates by creating the original personal Pilates loop. As a fitness contributor to Inspirations & Celebrations, Jackie shares exercise and fitness tips to help you shape and sculpt your body.
[Image credits: Shutterstock]