Whether you professionally do creative work or are just looking to have more creative hobbies, here are 5 inspiring ideas to help you tap into your creative potential. Exploring your creative side as an adult can sometimes feel more challenging than when you were a child. Give a kid a box of crayons and a […]
To help you learn how to become more self-confident, today’s personal growth guide shares 10 helpful tips I’ve learned over the years. From developing your authentic voice and harnessing your strengths to loving and accepting yourself as you are, here are some of my favorite pieces of advice on how to become more self-confident. 10 Continue Reading
Since we’re just beginning the New Year, you might be thinking about resolutions or new intentions you want to set. Whether you’re currently facing challenges or simply wish there was something you could change (a relationship, money, health, etc.), the first step toward creating a life you love is to have a positive outlook. Of […]
Happiness is something we choose. When we finally realize that we are responsible for our own happiness, we no longer give away our power to other people, situations, or outcomes. Success coaches and spiritual leaders (like Joel Osteen, Gabrielle Bernstein, and Dale Carnegie, to name a few) believe that in order for us to be […]
Is it any coincidence that the Spring Equinox falls on the same day as the International Day of Happiness this year? I think not! I’m viewing it as a sign that we’re supposed to spring forward with a sense of enthusiasm. To inspire you to make the most of the new season, and to experience more […]