[Disclosure: This review was made possible by iConnect and Mr. Clean. I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions stated are my 100% mine.]
Whenever our family gets together, we enjoy spending time cooking dinner together.
One of our favorite meals to cook is breaded chicken (with honey mustard sauce), gnocchi with tomatoes, and creamed spinach. As delicious as this meal is, it’s often a messy one, leaving traces of ingredients on the stovetop and counters.
But after the meal is over, the big question ends up being – who’s going to clean-up the kitchen?
It’s been a long-running joke in our family that I’ve always been averse to cleaning dirty dishes. Maybe it’s the thought of scraping un-eaten food off other people’s plates that makes me cringe, but just the concept of cleaning the kitchen makes me wish we had gotten take-out.
I’ve even tried to negotiate doing these chores by offering to do anything else – like organizing, vacuuming, or even doing laundry.
How To Magically Clean Your Home in 1 Easy Step
A while ago, I learned about a life-changing cleaning product that made me actually enjoy cleaning the kitchen. A local hardware store told me about the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. They explained that this wondrous one-step product could clean virtually any surface, and make spills, messes, and grime disappear in a fraction of the time.
To use the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, you simply wet the sponge with water and then erase away any unwanted messes. It’s that easy!
Enter To Win The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Giveaway
Interior design expert and Host of HGTV’s “Love It, Or List It Too”, Jillian Harris, has a similar take on cleaning-up. In the video below, she takes us through a day in her life to share her spring cleaning secret – the magical one-step wonder, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, which lets you clean smart, not hard.
When it comes to spring cleaning, these two little words often conjure up a whole lot of work in most people’s minds. From sorting and tossing old items to dusting, vacuuming, and wiping off grimy surfaces, spring cleaning often requires hours (if not days) of hard work and laborious effort.
Fortunately, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser will help to dramatically cut down on time spring cleaning, as it’s tough on dirt, grease and grime all around the house. Plus, it works on a variety of surfaces, from outdoor patio furniture and kitchens to bathrooms and even on sneakers!
Spring Cleaning Shortcuts
When you’re planning to entertain at-home, after all the food has been prepared, make sure to clean-up your kitchen before guests arrive. Here are 3 spring cleaning shortcuts to help you get your kitchen in tip-top shape.
SPARKLING SINKS: Cleaning dishes in a dirty sink doesn’t do much good. Use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to quickly remove caked on food, soap scum and hard water build-up from the basin and faucet before tackling the mess.
LEFTOVER LIFTER: There’s nothing less appetizing than a dirty microwave. Use Magic Eraser to remove stuck-on food and grease in less time than it takes to reheat yesterday’s leftovers.
OVEN LOVIN’: Did all that holiday baking leave a grungy residue inside your oven? Grab Magic Eraser to clean every inch of your oven, from the racks to the glass door. And because you don’t have to spend hours scrubbing, you’ll have plenty of time to make your table-scape look Pinterest-worthy before the guests come over.
For more spring cleaning shortcuts and to learn about all the types of spills and messes that the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser can tackle, check out the Mr. Clean Facebook page.
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