Your hallway is a vital part of your home, but many home-owners tend to neglect this part of the house, just because it isn’t generally thought of as a room.
However, this is a crying shame, as the hallway is arguably the highest traffic area in your home, as people will be passing through it every day. It also provides any guests with a first impression of the rest of your interior, and therefore gives you one chance to get that impression just right.
Compiled here are some useful tips to help you make the most of this space, no matter how small, so that your hallway can be transformed from the place to store your coats and shoes, to a space of real interest and style.
Easy Ways To Organize and Update Your Hallway
Invest in hooks
Hooks on the wall are the perfect remedy for banishing the pile of coats on the banister. They definitely don’t have to be boring or high-up either. Choose attractive and unusual hooks to match you decor or make a statement. Assign each member of your family a hook for their light jackets and small bags (big, bulky coats should be kept in wardrobes out of the way), at heights that are suitable for them. This will also add an interesting design element to the wall, and your little one’s low hook will look very sweet compared to their mom and dad’s!
Get the lighting right
The lighting in your home’s entrance is vital for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. When choosing a lampshade, think about the color of it, as this is generally the color that it will project across the room. You more than likely won’t want to go for something too bright, as it’s a good idea to bear in mind that sometimes you may have guests that will be leaving late, and they won’t want to leave your cosy living room to bright lights as they put their shoes on.
Ensure the decor matches the other elements
The wallpaper and carpet you choose will be very important when creating that positive first impression and it’s vital that these match the other elements of your hallway that you may not have considered. This is useful for creating a sense of harmony and therefore banishing feelings of disorganization. Think about aspects right from – and including – the front door. For example, uPVC Doors from Anglian Home come in a range of colors and styles, so you can automatically create your desired atmosphere from the moment you and your guests step through the door.
Have a system for your shoes
Keeping clutter to a minimum in your hallway will do wonders for the overall appearance, as well as its efficiency as a room in your home. We’ve all experienced the dreaded hunt for the left shoe on a Monday morning as we’re already running late and trying to rally up the troops for the school run. Shoes can take up a lot of room, so it’s a good idea to invest in storage system for them to not only keep them organized, but to keep them out of view to remove clutter. Opt for a simple shoe cabinet to keep the look fresh and modern, rather than the dated shoe rack alternative.
Rinx Martinee says:
What a nice place. 🙂