Rakani watches were designed with the fashion-forward man and woman in mind. The idea for the watch line was first sparked back in 2012, when Rakani founder and designer Chirayu Patel gifted his girlfriend with a watch. In response to the present, she jokingly asked if the watch was intended to keep her from being late. That was the moment that Chirayu had an epiphany. He started pondering about how watches today have no particular meaning behind them.
Aside from helping to keep time, watches can be worn as status symbols, cherished for the reminder of a special memory, or even used to evoke a message about the person’s sense of style. Rakani serves all three purposes by creating “meaningful designs that have significance beyond the product itself.”
Rakani Watches
Featuring a range of stylish, sophisticated, and glamorous watches, the Rakani Fashionably Late Collection offers something for everyone. At affordable prices (starting at just $150), the collection of modern designs are both alluring and attainable. The striking collection combines “classic” lines with “creative designs”.
Some of the watches (like the “Stuck In Traffic” design shown at left) include glittering crystals on the face of the watch, perfect for any fashionista who loves a little sparkle in her life. While other watches (like the “Right Around The Corner” design featured above), boasts sleek lines, minimalist detailing, and impeccable craftsmanship. And then there’s the unconventional, playful, and whimsical “What Time?” watch (seen below), showing the fallen numbers at the base of the face, which symbolize the desire to break the standard and have some fun.
Whether you prefer leather or stainless steel, black or white, the Rakani line provides a range of different options for each style.
The Rakani watch line is intended to turn the concept of running late into a more fun and playful notion. Rather than fretting about being late, Rakani wants you to focus on arriving fashionably late instead. This message is evoked through the combination of the designs and watch names. From “Stuck In Traffic” to “+Five”, the Rakani Fashionably Late Collection is both on-trend with it’s fashion-forward designs, and on-point with it’s thought-provoking messages. Who ever thought of watches as having a sense of humor?
[Image Credit: Shutterstock]
Disclaimer: A product sample was provided for the purpose of this review.