From higher altitudes (when you’re skiing or snowboarding) to a constant flow of forced in-door heating, to blustery winds and colder temperatures, winter weather can wreak havoc on your skin. The beauty buzz is out! Sticking with the usual skin care routine you rely on during the warmer seasons is not the answer. Change things Continue Reading
The eternal quest for perfect skin seems to be a never-ending journey of trial and error for women around the world. But why put yourself (and your delicate skin) through all that, only to end up with mediocre results? Stop the madness! Find a skin care regimen that truly works and gives you back the […]
The quest for clear skin is an on-going life process, starting in puberty and continuing through adulthood. Even though adolescence might be over, adult acne can continue to still plague many people. And to make matters worse, in addition to combating pimples, now the battle with wrinkles starts to happen. So what does that mean […]