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Beauty Buzz: The Best Skin Treatments
The eternal quest for perfect skin seems to be a never-ending journey of trial and error for women around the world. But why put yourself (and your delicate skin) through all that, only to end up with mediocre results? Stop the madness! Find a skin care regimen that truly works and gives you back the beautiful, flawless skin you were born with. In this edition of Beauty Buzz, you’ll learn about the best skin treatments on the market.
Some of the best skin care treatments that exist can be found at your dermatologist’s office. From chemical peels to fractional resurfacing treatments, the good news is that whatever skin dilemma that plagues you (from acne to wrinkles to sun spots) can be remedied with one of these miraculous treatments. Hallelujah!
Here are three of the best skin treatments, explaining which skin problems they work best for, and their long-term benefits:
Acne scars or enlarged pores? Why not try a chemical peel? Dermatologists and aestheticians perform chemical peels using glycolic, retinoic or alphahydroxy acid. These treatments improve the texture of the skin by removing the uppermost layer. By getting rid of the top layer of (dead) skin cells, this process encourages your body to renew the skin naturally, leading to healthier, fresher looking skin.
Do you have rough patches, fine lines, or wrinkles? Microdermabrasion might be for you. This is a process that involves the use of tiny abrasive crystals to smooth the uppermost layer of the skin, which helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is a good option for most people, with the exception of those with highly sensitive skin.
For the sun-worshipers out there who are now seeing the damage of years spent tanning, this treatment is for you. Fractional resurfacing (such as Fraxel) is an in-office performed treatment that relies on the use of a microscopic laser to remove damaged skin and minimize the look of uneven pigmentation. Expect to see mild redness and some inflammation a few days after the treatment, but the end-result will leave you glowing (and smiling).
Disclaimer: Consult with a Dermatologist before trying any procedure.

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  1. Thank you for the information on skin care. I always enjoy learning about ways to keep the skin looking healthy and clean. The chemical peel and microdermabrasion are two that I’ve been wanting to try for a while.

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