Since today is Giving Tuesday, it’s the perfect time to give back to those in need. To inspire you to get active and share your kindness this season, here are easy ways to give back on Giving Tuesday.
In case you didn’t know, every year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, the #GivingTuesday global giving movement happens. To join this worthy movement, all you have to do is give your time, donations, goods, or even just your voice.
From supporting your favorite charity with a much-needed donation to pitching in at a local shelter or collecting cans for a food drive, there are so many ways to get involved on Giving Tuesday. When you give back to others, you get the biggest gift of all – the feeling of joy. And, beyond all the presents, holiday parties, and festive decorations isn’t that what the holiday season is truly all about?!
Easy Ways to Give Back on Giving Tuesday
Donate To a Charity or Non-Profit
To help support a charity’s mission to help others, making a donation online is one of the easiest ways to give back on Giving Tuesday. Organizations like Children International make it easy and affordable for you to help underprivileged children get the dental care they so desperately need. This Giving Tuesday, your $15 donation will give a child the gift of great dental care. That’s all it takes to help provide dental screening/exams, fluoride, sealant, cleaning, cavity repair, urgent care – essential dental treatment that is vital to a healthy life.
Collect Food Cans for a Food Drive
Since there are so many homeless people who are hungry and don’t have the money to support their families, another easy way to give back on Giving Tuesday is by collecting food cans for a local food drive. Many businesses make it simple for you to drop off your extra food cans, or you can simply find a nearby food bank by visiting the Feeding America website. Whether it’s that extra can of beans or a package of rice, all these little contributions help feed starving and hungry people in need.
Donate Your Time at a Local Shelter or Soup Kitchen
One of my fondest memories of giving back was by helping out a local soup kitchen called Dorothy’s Place. Even if you’re on a tight budget, you can still donate your time by chipping in at an organization that needs extra helpers this holiday season. From serving food to assisting the chefs in the kitchen, there are so many ways to donate your time at a local shelter or soup kitchen.
Support Your Congregation
Another way to give back on Giving Tuesday is to support your congregation. Whether you’re Christian, Jewish, or of another faith, giving back to your own congregation is a great way to spread kindness and love this season. When I was a child, every holiday season, my mother, brother and I would spend 3-days in our kitchen baking desserts and delicious goodies for our church’s coffee hour. The whole congregation absolutely loved eating our home-made treats and they always looked forward to our hosted coffee hour as one of the special celebrations of the season. Whether you teach Sunday School, volunteer to read a passage out loud during a sermon, or host a coffee hour, supporting your congregation helps you give back to those who keep you feeling inspired throughout the year.
As you can see, there are so many easy ways to give back on Giving Tuesday. What are your fave ways to give back?
[Images via Hautestock]