Even if you have a college degree, it’s more than likely that you’ve never been educated about managing your personal finances. If you’re like the majority of readers out there, you probably have a few credit cards, a car lease or loan, and a property rental or home loan. If just the thought of mounting […]
Whether you’re just getting back from a 3-day vacation or feeling the dreaded mid-week slump, sometimes you need more than an inspiring #MondayMotivation pic from your Instagram feed to get you motivated at work. Solutions for Staying Productive at Work Staying productive throughout a long and tedious workday is often easier said than done. Continue Reading
On Wednesday (May 13, 2015), Real Simple and Fidelity Investments hosted the #EmpowerHour15 event at the Bently Reserve in San Francisco, California. Designed to be an evening of empowering conservations, the inspiring event highlighted successful professional women’s experiences in business and life, by featuring a panel of three Continue Reading