Super Bowl LII is just around the corner, which means it’s the perfect time to start planning an epic game day party. For all the football fanatics who prefer to enjoy the big game at home, Celebrity Caterer Andrea Correale, Founder & CEO of Elegant Affairs, shares 4 delicious game day party Continue Reading
Whether you’re rooting for the Atlanta Falcons, cheering for the New England Patriots, or just excited to watch the must-see Half-Time Show (with an over-the-top performance by Lady Gaga), one thing’s for sure – you’ll probably be enjoying the big game this weekend with friends and family. To celebrate this annual Continue Reading
When it comes to Game Day parties, more often than not, you’ve probably found yourself mindlessly noshing away on high calorie potato chips, artificially-flavored dips, and greasy fried food. But, Game Day parties don’t have to be filled with unhealthy snacks, nor do they require you to spend a lot of time in the kitchen Continue Reading
Whether you’re an enthusiastic football fan that won’t miss a game, or just a casual observer who gets more excited about watching the Half-Time Show (over watching the actual game itself), most Americans enjoy all types of Game Day Traditions during football season. No matter how you celebrate the Big Game, you’ll definitely want to Continue Reading