Since September is recognized as Self-Care Awareness Month, it’s a great time to refocus your energy on mental, physical, and emotional wellness. From beauty-boosting skincare routines to calming mindfulness techniques, self-care is the best way to reconnect with your inner self by giving you the positive attention you deserve. When you focus on self-care, you renew your spirit, shift your mindset to a higher frequency and improve your wellness.
Self-Care Techniques
To inspire you to do self-care techniques every day, today’s personal growth guide features 5 self-care techniques from wellness experts including psychologists, authors, and speakers.
Create a Self-Care Toolbox
Dr. Jodi Ashbrook is a Serial Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author at ZenLeader, The Yoga Movement, and Elevate Higher Ed. She recommends that you “Test out and implement different strategies and tools that work best for you, to help you manage your own stress and anxiety so you can help others in your life do the same. In order for you to lead with your zen, you have to feel grounded, first. Guided meditations, inspirational video content, fueling your body with healthy foods, regulating your sleep pattern, and staying active with a reasonable exercise regimen are just a few easy, affordable ways to get inspired and shift your intention to lead from a place of calm and relaxation, rather than anxiety. Your thoughts can be your best friend, or your own worst enemy, gain awareness of your mind and body, and manage them closely.”
Make Time for Joy
Dr. Wayne Jonas, MD (a practicing family physician, Executive Director of Samueli Integrative Health Programs, and author of the book How Healing Works) says, “Even in the most difficult of situations, choosing to feel grateful can help you deal with daily challenges. Instead of spending your mental energy worrying about what you can’t control, spend it finding moments of joy. Dream new dreams, and focus on new goals you can work toward. Find a creative outlet for your emotions, such as a coloring book, a puzzle, photography, sewing, or music. Keep inspiration on hand, and say yes to make you happy; laugh and play with the kids. Make time for the everyday joys in your life.
Make a Date with Yourself
Betsy Leahy is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Spa and Travel Enthusiastic, CPA at a Fortune 75 company, founder of and a self-care aficionado. She says,”My #1 self-care tip is to make a date with yourself and keep it! It’s less about what you do, although it should be something that truly makes you happy. It’s more that you do it. It doesn’t have to be time consuming or expensive. Just scheduling time to do something that makes you happy will counter the stress and busyness of modern life. You can think of self-care like as a nutritional supplement for vitality.”
Get Ample Sleep
Laurie Hollman, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist and author of several books including Unlocking Parental Intelligence: Finding Meaning In Your Child’s Behavior. She says, “The most important tip is to get enough sleep! Approximately 8 hours of sleep each night, 8 hours of recreation, and 8 hours of productivity is required for wellness. Recreation includes whatever gives you pleasure and relaxation. Remember downtime is essential for self-care, the one area we seem to forget in our busy working lives.”
Create Family Time
Dr. Renee Sunday (founder and CEO of Renee Sunday Enterprises) says, “The pressure to meet up with work demand will always be there. The moment you set foot at your office, your pressure gauge keeps rising. You might even forget to grab a bite not to talk of enjoying a good meal. Stress begins to build up in your body, and you start to experience symptoms such as memory issues, early dementia, heart attack and much more. But one effective antidote to stress is enjoying some family activities with your loved ones. Research has shown that people who spend more time with family will live longer.”
For more self-care techniques and tips, check out the Personal Growth section on Inspirations & Celebrations.
Julia Larson says:
To give myself some self-care, I enjoy a nice cup of tea while I has my essential oil diffuser on (lavender of course.)