There are many secrets to happiness that people spend their whole lives looking for. But, the truth is – it can’t be found externally. As the saying goes, “happiness is an inside job”. It can often be felt during a stream of consciousness – while being present with one’s self, aware of one’s thoughts and Continue Reading
If you’ve ever heard the phrase, “happiness is an inside job”, it’s true. Happiness is found (or better yet, created) within us, and is not derived from external sources. While we often look outside of ourselves to find happiness, the truth is – we have to choose it, create it, and nurture it. The good […]
With most of us still working from home, it’s created a major shift in the way we get work done. Whether you’ve been busy managing Zoom meetings, using technology to stay connected, or just trying to stay productive while juggling it all, you’re not alone. In addition to changes in our day-to-day operations, a lot […]
The saying goes, “when one door closes, another one opens”. While we’ve all heard this expression, the truth is – it’s often challenging for many of us to let go of our mental attachments (to the past or the future). However, by learning how to practice the art of non-attachment, we give ourselves the chance Continue Reading
If you’ve ever noticed how relaxed you feel after spending time in nature, then the next best thing to that is gardening. Since many people are unable to escape to a forest or beach right now (due to the quarantine), the good news is, you can still enjoy the meditative benefits of gardening at home. […]
In celebration of both The Summer Solstice and The Solar Eclipse (which are happening this weekend), here are 5 spiritual rituals you can do to set positive new intentions, cleanse the energy in your home, and raise your vibration. About The Summer Solstice & The Solar Eclipse Ushering in a new season, “in the Northern […]
One of my goals for 2020 is to become more mindful in my daily life. That means, making a conscientious effort to retrain my mind toward positivity, gain more control over thoughts, and become more aware of my feelings. Over the years, I’ve done sporadic meditation practices but never made it a daily morning routine. […]
Happiness is something we choose. When we finally realize that we are responsible for our own happiness, we no longer give away our power to other people, situations, or outcomes. Success coaches and spiritual leaders (like Joel Osteen, Gabrielle Bernstein, and Dale Carnegie, to name a few) believe that in order for us to be […]
When you read the word meditation, does your mind instantly envision a Buddhist Monk sitting peacefully cross-legged, while surrounded by lit candles and burning sage? Well, that’s probably how it all started. But, in our busy, fast-paced world, the concept of mindfulness and meditation has taken on a whole new meaning. If you think Continue Reading
While it’d be wonderful to live a blissful, stress-free life everyday, that’s more idealistic than realistic. From handling responsibilities and tackling to-do lists to dealing with unexpected situations that spike our anxiety levels, learning how to reduce stress is the most important step we can take to managing our health and wellness. To Continue Reading
Whether you’re facing work-related problems or experiencing a struggle in your personal life, today’s self-help guide features expert advice from Psychologists, Therapists, and Life Coaches on overcoming challenges and managing stress better in your daily life. We’ve all had those moments when we feel like we’re trying Continue Reading
Now that the most nerve-wracking, heated U.S. Presidential election has come to an end, people all across the world are left with mixed emotions, and are contemplating what the future of the country and the world will look like. Since Trump got elected into office, half of Americans are frustrated, disappointed, and worried, while the other Continue Reading