As a licensed esthetician and skincare expert, Inspirations & Celebrations’ Beauty Contributor, Alana Mitchell, shares her expert tips on how to minimize the appearance of cellulite.
Ah, cellulite. It affects most women, nearly 85 percent, in fact. It’s most commonly found on our thighs, but can also creep its way up to our buns and stomach. Lucky us! Though the point of this article is not to ruin your day, it’s to make you feel okay about having what most people have and to offer a few tips on how to combat it.
How To Minimize The Appearance of Cellulite
The science behind cellulite? Well, basically it’s just fatty cells that are deposited just beneath the skin. It has a distinct appearance, most often compared (unflatteringly, to be sure) to “cottage cheese.” What causes it? Well, mostly things you can’t control like hormones and genetics. Though an unhealthy lifestyle can also easily contribute to the development of cellulite on your body.
It’s not bikini season yet, but getting a head start on smoothing out those little demon dimples never hurt anyone! We’ve compiled a list of expert tips for battling your stubborn cellulite.
Dry Brushing
You’ve probably never heard of this treatment, and we understand that it sounds less than pleasant. But it’s not so bad, and it works! What’s great about dry-brushing is that it’s one of the simplest ways to get rid of cellulite in your thighs. The process of dry brushing improves blood circulation and fat drainage, and removes the buildup of toxins from body. Improved blood flow to the skin can make it appear plump, which helps to smooth out your skin and improve the appearance of cellulite.
Did you know that coffee grounds also double as the perfect exfoliating scrub to remove dead skin cells? This process also helps regenerate new, healthy cells. Drinking coffee can also assist in your body’s overall blood flow circulation, which is one benefit to having those daily cups of morning Joe!
For your own DIY anti-cellulite, caffeinated cream: mix together coffee grounds, sugar, and coconut oil into a paste. Take a little bit of this paste and massage the affected skin with it for several minutes using firm pressure. You can rinse it off in the shower or wash off with lukewarm water. Incorporate this paste into your skincare routine two or three times a week until you get the desired results.
Oil, Vinegar, and Seaweed
Juniper oil has detoxifying properties that can also help with fluid retention, which can help reduce cellulite. Rub it into your skin mixed with coconut oil twice per day until you start to see results.
Apple cider vinegar can help get rid of cellulite due to the presence of minerals, potassium, magnesium and calcium in it. All these elements play a key role in flushing out toxins and water retention around the thighs and stomach, which can help your body with both bloating and cellulite. Plus, apple cider vinegar is also a key ingredient in weight loss! Mix it with water and rub it into your skin, and let sit for 30 minutes either by itself or in plastic wrap. Continue using until desired results are achieved.
Seaweed is a natural exfoliant that also helps to stimulate blood circulation. It also improves skin texture and flushes harmful toxins from the body. You can find ground seaweed at most health food stores for your own at-home, DIY mix. Add in a little sea salt and olive oil, and a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a light fragrance. Massage a little bit of this mixture into your thighs and buttocks for a few minutes before taking a shower.
Serums and Self-Tanners
Serums, much like all the above natural solutions, aren’t going to perform any cellulite-banishing miracles overnight. But they can help tighten skin and strengthen it, which can help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Try finding one with caffeine in it to use daily.
Self-tanners are great for reducing the notice-ability and overall appearance of cellulite. If you can’t tone and tighten your cellulite, simply just tan it! It’s the quickest fix to camouflage those “cheesy” lumps and get you ready for warmer weather in a safe, sunless way.
Diet and Exercise
Since cellulite is a fat, excess weight can contribute to the unsightly appearance of it. Engaging in physical exercise can keep your body’s circulation moving better than almost any other treatment.
A healthy diet and moderation is key. A diet that’s low in sodium will allow for less fluid retention, which can reduce the appearance of cellulite and keep your body healthy.
Cellulite affects most women, nearly 85 percent of them. It’s most commonly found on our thighs, but can also creep its way up to our buns and stomach. We’ve compiled a list of expert tips for battling your stubborn cellulite.
For more skincare tips and advice, visit the Skincare Section on Inspirations & Celebrations.
For over 14 years, Alana Mitchell (a licensed esthetician, beauty & skincare blogger, and mother of two), has sold over 300 lines of the highest of quality skincare lines through her store As a beauty contributor to Inspirations & Celebrations, Alana shares her insight and knowledge about skincare, personal care, and body treatments.
[Header Image via Inspirations & Celebrations; Article Images via Shutterstock and Pixabay]