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The Health Benefits of Acai Berry

From acai-infused liquors to acai berry powders (for smoothies and snack mixes), the Acai Berry has been popping up everywhere over the past several years. Best known for it’s antioxidant properties, this powerful little berry (from Brazil) is more than just a fruit – it’s one of the best sources of nutrients you can get from a superfood. Featured here are the health benefits of acai berry.

As one of the world’s leading dermatologists, Dr. Nicholas Perricone knows a considerable amount about how nutrition plays a key role in creating glowing, healthy, youthful-looking skin. He has exalted the health benefits of acai by saying, “whatever your favorite berries are (blueberries, cranberries, etc.), Açaí ‘out-antioxidants’ them all, hands down!”

The Health Benefits of Acai Berry:


  • “Acai has all natural Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Acai is also high in Potassium, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and Phosphorous.” [Source: Genesis Today]
  • “Among acai’s many antioxidants is one particular powerhouse called anthocyanin, which is suspected to be the driving force behind acai’s free-radical and age-fighting powers. Acai’s ORAC level (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is over 3,500, which is hundreds of times higher than your average fruits like apples and bananas.” [Source: Lindsay Duncan, ND, CN via]
  • Acai is all mineral-rich, which helps provide “more energy and stamina”. [Source: Genesis Today]
  • Since acai “contains large amounts of plant sterols”, it “can support overall health and a healthy immune system”. [Source: Genesis Today]
  • “Acai contains significant amounts of natural dietary fiber”, which benefits your digestive and eliminative health. [Source: Genesis Today]
  • The “acai berry packs more grams of protein than an egg, and when combined with its host of omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, acai has been shown to improve the look and texture of your hair, skin and nails.” [Source: Lindsay Duncan, ND, CN via]


Disclaimer: Consult with a Doctor or Nutritionist before starting any health program.  

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