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Getting The Love Life You Want

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Glamour magazine released a new dating advice book, Always Hit on the Wingman… and 9 Other Secret Rules for Getting the Love Life You Want (written by Jake, Glamour’s male dating columnist). As a Glambassador, they sent me the book to review.

This go-to-guide comes from the perspective of a charming, suave man-about-town (“Jake“) who understands women, dating, and the mating game.

In his quest for knowledge (and a more exciting love life), the author has gone on countless dates, learning from each experience, and sharing his insight with women across the country. What are we doing right? Or more importantly, what are we doing wrong? What do men want? What turns them on?

Men are hunters. They like to pursue. When their “prey” is getting the attention of another “predator”, it peaks their interest more, and makes the “chase” all the more enticing.

 The title “Always Hit On The Wingman” (which certainly catches readers’ attention) was used to illustrate the point that men, by nature, are competitive. The book is not encouraging committed women to cheat or unabashedly flirt with their significant other’s boss or brother. Rather, it’s encouraging women to give a little more attention than usual to other men, while in front of their significant other (or in front of the guy they really like). This creates a competitive environment, thereby catalyzing a guy’s drive to “win” you (over his buddy, brother, wingman, etc.).

The book also emphasizes the point that confidence is attractive (to both genders). Through using personal dating experiences as examples, the author shows readers that the women he was most attracted to were independent, confident, self-assured, and passionate about their own lives. This is a positive message for all women, whether they are actively seeking a romantic relationship or working on their own personal development. This book is great for single women, as well as those already in relationships.

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